Monday, April 4, 2011

Vampires And Goth

There are many unraveling 'facts' about Vampires that have recently come into my notice. Vampires hail from the ancient Slavic folklore who christened them as corpses or people who have risen from the dead. Vampire world might seem like life lying between almost dead and completely dead but intriguing myths reveal they can die too! Imagine a dead man dying again! That might sound funny but dark myths about vampires makes the grim world of vampirism a delicacy for the thirsty teen population.

Vampires may seem like tools used by writers to make their story interesting and capturing. But looking at the fact that so many people obsess over these goths I could say vampires are not mere characters, but a magnum opus, stunning success of human imagination! Vampire legends have been recorded in almost every culture and regions of the world. Modern vampires, unlike the ancient ones, do not fear sunlight or garlic. They are attractive, charming and lovable being...! As the definition for vampires keeps changing from book to book the eerie and creepy aura these creatures create prevails.

Some people relate vampirism to porphyria, premature burial and contagion. Writing vampire novels has become a hobby for everyone. It has become a drug in teenage world! Monotonous exposure to anything is boring! So people should really find something spicier to write and read... I don't deny that vampire novels still are the best of them all but innovation is the key to greater success...

Take care...

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